A vibrant, inclusive Christian community living out love, respect, and dignity for everyone.

Come be a piece of Peace - we're an open and affirming congregation.


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Sundays at 9:30 AM

10300 131st St., Palos Park, IL 60464


Mission and Outreach

Mission Committee News

February has been a busy month starting with the collection of Heart Healthy cereals and ending with a collection of 160 boxes, just shy of our goal of 200 boxes. On the 23rd, we did the domino race with the Sunday School children there to assist the boxes that got stuck. Thank you to all who donated cereal, it will go to 2 local food pantries.

We are also continuing to cook for PADS serving between 20-30 people. We make a meat, rice or noodle dish with vegetables, salad, and fresh fruit with cookies for dessert.

Janet Hansen and myself went to Peace Circle Inn on the 12th for Valentine Bingo, cupcakes, and cookies for the  residents. They do love their Bingo and winning prizes. Fun was had by all!

Pam Cornyn

Mission and Outreach is a ministry of Peace Memorial Church that partners with organizations to support life-changing work happening in communities both locally and globally.