A vibrant, inclusive Christian community living out love, respect, and dignity for everyone.

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10300 131st St., Palos Park, IL 60464


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Church News

Join us in welcoming our new pastor, Reverend Kirk Moore.

PMC President's Report

Diane Oremovich

November 2024

I would like to highlight some of the church activities from last month. Our Sunday School group participated in this year’s CROP Walk at Lake Katherine on October 6th. Thanks to all who contributed their financial support as we met and actually quadrupled our funding goal! Your support is greatly appreciated!


This year’s Oktoberfest on October 11th, was a spectacular event! A big Thank You goes out to Pam Cornyn for her leadership, and to the many volunteers and attendees who helped keep the gym rocking and made the evening a great success.

This year’s Annual CREW Golf Outing took place at Silver Lake Country Club on October 13th. The money raised at the outing will go toward next year’s Big Build.

Trunk or Treat is always a great community event, and this year’s on October 26th, was no exception. It gives us the opportunity to share information about programs and events that Peace Memorial Church offers with people from the surrounding community who attend this event.


Pastor Kirk Moore has been with us for over a year now. October was Pastor Appreciation Month and on the 27th, we thanked him for his work as our Senior Pastor as he has led us as we went through the process of visioning and defining the future direction of our church.

I was recently asked by a member of our church why the Chicago Metropolitan Conference has not officially installed Pastor Moore as our Senior Pastor. Due to multiple delays due to illness, sabbaticals, and changes in leadership at the Fox Valley Conference, they have been unable to complete the steps necessary to transfer Pastor Moore’s membership to the CMC. Once this occurs, there will be a formal Service of Installation scheduled.

November looks to be a bit quieter here at Peace Memorial Church. As in years past, Zion Hall is the site for several precincts for the November 5th election. Our annual Thanksgiving Dinner will take place in Zion Hall on Sunday, November 24th. It is an important time to come together to express our gratitude for our many blessings.

The Trustees have been diligently working on the budget for 2025 and hope to have it ready for presentation to the congregation for review and approval at the Semi-Annual Meeting which will be scheduled in December. This year has brought about several unexpected projects which has delayed other important projects, including the lighting in the sanctuary and the paving of the parking lot. As our member’s budgets become tighter and tighter, so has that of our church. I ask that you prayerfully consider your annual giving and consider increasing your pledge to the church, both monetarily and through the contribution of your time and talents.

Also, at our upcoming Semi-Annual Meeting, December 8th, the newly created Visioning Statement will be presented for congregational approval. We will be sharing some exciting programs and events we hope to have during 2025. Please make every effort to attend this meeting.


Finally, I’d like to share the news that our bookkeeper Lily Fields will be leaving us. Lily has served as the church’s bookkeeper for many years, but has accepted a full-time position elsewhere. If you have the opportunity, please stop by or call her at the church office to thank her for her service and wish her well in her new position.

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